Friday, 29 June 2007

UK Public Library Blogs

I've come across a couple of blogs, finally, for UK public libraries! Both describe themselves as 'semi-official' and have a mix of library news, reviews and general information. Paige Turner has been writing on behalf of Swansea Public Libraries since December 2006 and writes short interesting posts on all sorts of topics. She also publishes pictures of new libraries in Swansea and some more personal posts about the library world in general. I'm not sure what the intended readership of the blog is as it feels much more like a personal blog than an institutional one but I certainly enjoy reading it! Sutlib Reader is a very new blog started this month and presenting itself as "The (semi) official blog of Sutton Libraries". Only 4 posts so far but I like the idea and according to the author it has the support of the Head of Libraries so I look forward to seeing how it develops. Congrats to the first UK public library blogs I have found!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found this interesting piece you wrote last year. I am currently conducting research for my MA in Librarianship on UK public libraries and Library 2.0 esp blogs. There still aren't that many about I have to say, compared to the USA!! I've put together a delicious page of bookmarks to what I have found so far
And will keep adding to it as and when I find new blogs.
If you would like to take the survey then please do:
Click Here to take survey
And finally, are you on facebook? I have a very silly group set up "Librarians Called Sarah", there are only 5 of us and there is no point to it whatsoever, just silliness. And you never know, we might just prove that Sarahs make the best librarians!

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